Let's help get you started

Welcome to GatherWhere! Listing your venue is simple and straightforward.

Just follow these steps to get your space in front of event organisers and start receiving bookings.

Is your venue
already listed?

If your venue is already on our platform, simply search for it and claim ownership.

Can’t find your venue? No worries, just follow the steps below to get started.

It couldn't be any simpler

From sign-up to spotlight in no time – just a few steps to get your venue listed and ready for bookings.

Create your account

First, you’ll need to set up an account on GatherWhere. Here’s how:

Choose Your Package

Once logged in, click the “List Your Venue” button. You’ll be prompted to choose a listing package that suits your venue’s needs. We offer a range of packages, including both free and paid options:

List Your Space

Now it’s time to add the details of your venue.

Once everything is set, submit your listing for approval.

Await Approval

After submitting your listing, our team will review the details to ensure everything is in order. This usually takes 1-2 business days. You’ll receive a notification once your venue has been approved and is live on GatherWhere.

Respond to Enquiries

Once your listing is live, organisers may reach out with questions or booking requests. Make sure to check your inbox regularly and respond promptly to any queries. Quick and friendly responses help build trust and encourage bookings.

Boost Your Listing

Want to make your venue stand out even more? You can boost your listing by upgrading to a paid package or promoting your space for greater visibility:

Love how easy it is?

Got a great space? List it on GatherWhere and reach organisers who are actively seeking unique venues for their gatherings.